The Ultimate Guide To Floorball: What It Is And How To Play

The Ultimate Guide To Floorball: What It Is And How To Play

Floorball is a stick and ball sport that is fast-paced, engaging, and accessible to players of all ages and skill levels, making it an ideal sport for fostering teamwork, physical fitness, and inclusivity. Originally known as "innebandy" or "salibandy," it was designed as a safer and more accessible alternative to ice hockey and field hockey. The game quickly gained popularity across Scandinavia and eventually spread throughout Europe, with countries like Finland, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic embracing the sport. In 1986, the International Floorball Federation (IFF) was established to govern and promote the sport globally. Today, floorball is played in over 80 countries, with World Championships held biennially for both men and women. As the sport continues to evolve and expand, it maintains its founding principles of inclusivity, safety, and excitement.

What Is Floorball?

Floorball is a fast-paced, indoor team sport that combines elements of ice hockey, field hockey, and floor hockey. Played on a rink with a smooth surface, the objective of the game is to score more goals than the opposing team. Floorball matches consist of three 20-minute periods, with teams having six players each, including a goalkeeper.

Players use lightweight, composite sticks with curved blades to manoeuvre a hollow, plastic ball around the rink. The game emphasises speed, skill, and teamwork rather than physical contact, making it a safer and more accessible sport for people of all ages and skill levels.

How It Compares To Other Sports

Floorball, while sharing similarities with field hockey, ice hockey, and floor hockey, distinguishes itself through its unique characteristics and accessibility. Unlike field hockey and ice hockey, which are played on grass or artificial turf and ice rinks, floorball is played indoors on a smooth surface. The sport utilises floorball sticks and a hollow plastic ball, making it faster-paced and more focused on speed and skill rather than physical contact. This contrasts with the heavier equipment and more physical nature of ice hockey and some floor hockey variants. Governed by the International Floorball Federation (IFF), floorball has standardised rules that promote safety and minimal player contact. As a result, the sport is accessible to a wide range of participants, offering an exciting and inclusive alternative to traditional hockey games.

Key Components Of The Game 

Floorball Players

In a floorball game, assembling a well-rounded team is crucial for success on the court. Each player brings unique skills and attributes to create a cohesive unit capable of dominating the game. A typical floorball lineup consists of six players, including a goalkeeper, defenders, and forwards. The goalkeeper, often clad in padded gear, is responsible for guarding the net and preventing the opposing team from scoring. Agility, quick reflexes, and excellent hand-eye coordination are key attributes for this crucial role. Defenders, usually comprising two players, must possess strong tactical awareness and solid stick-handling skills to thwart the opposition's advances and initiate counterattacks. They need to strike a balance between aggression and discipline, ensuring they don't leave their defensive zone exposed. Forwards, typically formed by three players, are the primary goal-scorers and playmakers of the team. Speed, finesse, and creativity are vital for these offensive dynamos, as they navigate through the opposition's defence and create scoring opportunities. In summary, a skilled floorball player possesses a combination of diverse abilities, collaborating seamlessly with teammates to outsmart opponents and achieve success. These traits contribute to the overall strength and effectiveness of a floorball team.


Floorball Equipment

In order to take part in floorball, players need a lightweight floorball  stick, crafted from composite materials like carbon fibre or fibreglass. Floorball hockey sticks come in various lengths and flex ratings to suit individual preferences and playing styles. The curved blade at the end of the stick is crucial for ball control and can be adapted for both left and right-handed players. Next, a hollow, plastic ball designed specifically for floorball is necessary to maintain the sport's fast-paced, dynamic nature.

While floorball is a relatively low-contact sport, protective gear is still important. Players should wear comfortable sports shoes with non-marking soles that provide good grip and support on the indoor playing surface. Goalkeepers, however, require a more extensive set of protective gear, including a helmet with a face cage, knee pads, padded pants, and a chest protector. These items safeguard the goalkeeper from potential injuries while allowing them to perform agile and acrobatic saves. In summary, investing in the appropriate floorball equipment not only enhances performance but also contributes to a secure and enjoyable game for all involved.

Basic Rules and Objectives of Floorball

The primary objective of floorball  is to score more goals than the opposing team within the allotted time. Played in three 20-minute periods, floorball matches require teams to navigate the court while adhering to a set of rules designed to ensure fair play and safety. Each team consists of six players, including a goalkeeper, who work together to outwit their opponents and secure victory.

One of the key rules in floorball is the emphasis on minimal physical contact between players, which differentiates it from other forms of hockey. Body checks, pushing, and obstructing opponents are prohibited, encouraging a focus on speed and finesse. Stick infractions, such as lifting an opponent's stick or playing the ball above knee height, are also penalised. Goalkeepers are not allowed to use their hands outside the designated crease area, and outfield players cannot enter this zone.

In case of rule violations, referees can award free hits, two-minute penalties, or even more severe sanctions for egregious offences. Understanding and abiding by these rules not only ensures a smooth and enjoyable game but also fosters a spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie among players, making floorball an exhilarating and inclusive sport for all.

How to play

To get started playing floorball, practice handling the lightweight floorball stick and controlling the hollow plastic ball. Mastering stick handling, passing, and shooting will enable you to confidently manoeuvre the ball around the court and create scoring opportunities. Focus on developing smooth transitions between forehand and backhand movements, as well as quick turns and pivots to maintain possession under pressure. 

Once you're comfortable with individual skills, it's time to explore team dynamics and tactics. Floorball is a game of rapid transitions between offence and defence, requiring seamless communication and collaboration among teammates. Learn to read the game, anticipate your opponents' moves, and exploit open spaces on the court. Develop an understanding of various offensive and defensive formations, such as the popular 2-2-1 system, which comprises two defenders, two midfielders, and one forward. This tactical awareness will prove invaluable during competitive gameplay.

Lastly, don't forget the importance of physical fitness and conditioning. Incorporate regular cardio workouts, agility drills, and strength training exercises into your routine to build stamina, speed, and power. With dedication, practice, and a passion for the sport, you'll soon find yourself immersed in the exhilarating world of floorball, enjoying the camaraderie and thrill of competition that it has to offer.

Key Skills and Techniques

To excel in floorball, players must hone several essential skills and techniques that play a pivotal role in determining the outcome of a game. Among these, stick handling, passing, and shooting are particularly crucial.

Stick handling is the art of controlling the ball with your floorball stick, manoeuvring it around opponents, and maintaining possession. Mastering stick handling requires practice and patience, as it involves developing good hand-eye coordination, quick reflexes, and finesse in handling the stick.

Passing is the foundation of teamwork in floorball. A well-executed pass can open up scoring opportunities and maintain possession, keeping the opposing team on their toes. Players should focus on perfecting various types of passes, such as short, long, and diagonal passes, as well as utilising the boards for indirect passes. Accurate and timely passes are essential for maintaining a fluid and dynamic offensive strategy.

Shooting is the skill that ultimately puts points on the board. To become an effective shooter, players need to develop a repertoire of shots, including wrist shots, slap shots, and backhand shots. Additionally, learning to shoot accurately while on the move and under pressure from defenders is vital. Practice and repetition are key to improving shooting accuracy and power, ultimately turning players into formidable goal-scorers.

By dedicating time and effort to mastering these key skills and techniques, players can significantly enhance their performance on the court and contribute to their team's success.

Floorball Tactics

In the dynamic world of floorball, employing a variety of tactics is essential for staying one step ahead of your opponents. Teams must master both offensive and defensive strategies to maintain control of the game and create scoring opportunities. Popular tactics include quick transitions, which involve rapidly switching from defence to offence, and ball movement with short, precise passes that keep the defence guessing. Off the ball movement and utilising the boards can also create open space and catch opponents off guard. By continually adapting and refining these tactics, floorball teams can enhance their performance and outsmart their competition on the court.

Benefits Of Floorball

As educators and schools continually seek ways to engage students in physical activity and promote a healthy lifestyle, floorball has emerged as an excellent option. This fast-paced, inclusive, and exciting sport offers numerous benefits for both students and schools. 

One of the most significant advantages of floorball is its simplicity. With straightforward rules and minimal equipment requirements, students can quickly grasp the basics and start playing. This ease of learning makes it an attractive option for schools looking to introduce a new sport that can engage students of all skill levels and abilities.

Floorball is an inclusive sport that welcomes players of all genders, ages, and fitness levels. Its non-contact nature and adaptable rules make it suitable for students with varying physical abilities, ensuring that everyone can participate and enjoy the game on the floorball rink. By offering an accessible and inclusive sporting option, schools can promote a sense of belonging and encourage teamwork among students.

Last but not least, floorball is simply a fun and engaging way for students to stay active. By incorporating floorball into school sports programs, educators can promote a lifelong love for sports and exercise among their students.


By understanding the rules, techniques, and strategies involved in floorball, players can fully immerse themselves in the game and reap its numerous physical, mental, and social benefits. Furthermore, educators and schools can leverage floorball as a means of promoting physical fitness, teamwork, and personal development among their students.